Thanks to the solid collaborations built over the time, today we have an "External Buyer" department located in the Chinese province of Hining, which supervises all products purchased from Asia and in particular those imported from China.
Every batch of every single shipment is carefully inspected and certified before being shipped.
In Italy, in our registered office, we deal with:
import/export shipment and transports
warehouse management and national deliveries to our customers.

Aware of the dynamism of the markets, we are already oriented towards new opportunities, also facilitated by the requests of our customers.
We are structured to be able to search for specific products such as fertilizers for agriculture, components for the mechanical sector, consumable products for large-scale distribution and much more.
With a warehouse of about 1000 square meters located in the Verona Sud area, we always have goods ready for delivery, in order to allow our customers to keep their stocks low in their warehouses.

With a growing sector, due to the needs
linked to the COVID emergency, we have to date
provided large-scale distribution,
Pharmaceutical Distributors, Industries, SMEs
and small professionals in the sector, coming to count
more than 1000 customers throughout the Italian territory.